When I’ve paused to look and I’ve pondered to see – really see – what 2016 offers on the way out and 2017 offers on the way in, inevitably I feel a bit like Scrooge of old.  “Ghosts” of past, present, and future come for a visit – and I’m invited to remember.  

Ever thought about that?

I get remembering the past – because, well, it’s the past.  It’s the stuff of memories.  I can understand remembering the present, because it’s unfolding before me.  To remember the “now” is reflecting on my in-the-moment thoughts, feelings, actions.  Whether I’m acting (actively choosing life) or being acted upon (letting life choose for me), I get it.  I’m able to reflect on what I’m doing, or not doing, and the short and long-term impact & results of either course.   Then there’s the remembering the future.  What?

How do you remember something that hasn’t happened yet?  Therapist, author, and possibilities guru Bill O’Hanlon talks about one strategy he calls Future Pull or the opportunity to

Be There Then!

For me, future pull or to be there then is to consider a future of possibility – one where the “why” that invites me forward is more compelling than the “why” that would hold me back!

It is also to recognize that the future doesn’t just pull on me, I can pull on it!  And how strong my “pull” is depends on two things:

  1. How clear my why is or whys are
  2. How effective my daily actions and routines are related to my why(s)

If my actions & routines are anchored in more meaning-full why(s) – and I become better and better at fiercely protecting them – I’m more likely to stick to what matters most in my life rather than feel stuck with what matters least.  

My focus, energy, and sense of optimism are stronger & better sustained – even, and perhaps especially, through blunders, tough times, and inevitable opposition.

So for me – remembering the future is about remembering my why(s) and actively sticking to them as I reach out and pull awesome possibilities of tomorrow into today!

Finally, personally I’ve learned something of rock-bottom importance about this “why” stuff.  More often than not, my “why” is not new; it’s been there all along.  I only need to remember it – not discover it!

So, as you consider your own experience, Trust yourself!

I’m guessing your own creativity, inspiration, and ability to pause, ponder, and remember your own why(s) will serve you well!

It may not be that finding something new & unfamiliar will be the magic bullet, ticket, or turn things around.  It may be about remembering who & what is most important to you as you continue your own journey of weakness to strength!

And as you continue your own journey at year end, remember…

Take care!
